Tuesday 23 August 2011


This entire Anna Hazare episode has clogged my BBM status, facebook home page and twitter timeline.

One week ago, it looked something like this:

@randomfool: Whoa. Anna is so awesome.

@randomdouche: Uff. Can you stop it with Anna already? I wanna watch MTV Grind


@randomfail: Anna needs to stop harassing our nation.

@randomdaft: Kiran Bedi Haaye Haaye!

Meanwhile, I havent posted jack on the entire movement because when 100,000 people are taking to the streets, who am I to sit on a leather recliner and tweet from a smartphone. I dont want to dismiss these marches as herd mentality because these kind of struggles also won us the RTI amendments and the Jessica Lall verdict.

I do not support the Jan Lok Pal bill, FYI. I do however appreciate a movement against corruption and against the government.

Anna Hazare isnt holding the nation to ransom. Nobody's forcing these kids to come to the Ramlila grounds and nobody's telling you to watch the news and then crib about how he's overtaken the media.

Yes, this is a highly political movement but it is childish to expect any movement, anywhere in the world, at any point of time in history to be devoid of political overtones. All I'm glad for is that someone is putting the government under pressure.

Why shouldnt the government squirm and squeal under public attack? Why shouldnt they be running for cover?

The privileged may claim that they dont pay bribes but we still have access to VIP benefits, contacts and general luxuries. I havent seen any of you stand at passport offices and RTO's for days without response. I havent seen you tweet about water shortage and electricity failure. We aren't really India. We're the spectators because we dont suffer.

It is easy to hail USA and European countries as settled and sorted leaders but give scathing looks to our own when they jam the roads with candle light vigils. Have you seen the public involvement in above mentioned countries on matters of public interest? These people make the government accountable and active.

I dont think we understand what we have just witnessed. Its not about supporting or condemning 'anshan' or childish methods, its about making an impact. Its about storming the headlines and creating awareness.

Next election, you will not forget the scams and scandals. Public memory will not be shortlived.

Politics has been played with politicians. Perhaps even dirty politics.

I am glad.