Friday 30 December 2011

12 things to do in 2012

Hello there, once again. Seasons greetings & Happy New Year. I don't do New Year Resolutions because new year resolution makers obviously have flaws. I am, as you all know, perfect. LOLJK.
But no kidding, I have no vices to give up. I don't smoke or drink or eat a gallon of cheesecake a month. However I do have some things I want to do. So I'll make a list. Its a simple list, so you might be bored or you could pick a hobby or two for yourself, for the new year. So, here goes (priority wise):

1. Get a job.

2. Learn to read & write in Gurmukhi.

3. Learn Bellydancing.

4. Get a library membership.

5. Learn to make round rotis.

6. Get married*

7. Travel to New York/ Barcelona

8. Get to MaxMueller & brush up on that rusty Deutsch lesson. Ich habe keine zeit aber ich lerne die sprachen fur sieben jahre. And I couldn't complete that sentence in German, so I'm going to try to do that

9. I draw so I'm going to try & illustrate for each one of my blog posts and actually scan it and put it up

10. Learn to ride a motorcycle

11. Learn to trust

12. Defeat my mom at scrabble

12. Start collecting Tintin comics (*Because no. 6 was a joke)

So there it is. I hope to God that I can do all of this. Its not the most adventurous list of the year but I don't understand the kind of wishes that sound like " I want to elope with an Italian man and a jar of sunshine to the South of France". Really? This isn't a wish list anyway. Its more of a To-Do. So fingers crossed. Have a great new years eve. Don't drink & drive. Kick ass. Love.

Sunday 11 December 2011

100 Years of Awesomeness

I've always wanted to talk about the Delhi vs Mumbai rivalry, but I haven't really & I think today would be a brilliant day to write about this. I've never really been an aggressive Mumbai hater, reserving my comments on the city till I actually knew a little bit about it. This year I got to live in the city for 3.5 months, so now I can write a credible comparison. Here goes.

First off, I find the comparison really absurd because you can't really compare Delhi to other Indian cities anymore. As far as infrastructure and life goes, the recent development in Delhi has quite literally given us the Nitromethane button in the metropolitan city race. Can't touch this. I don't just mean the legendary wide roads and metro, we also have the kick-ass low-floored buses, a huge green cover, better houses, schools and universities.

Secondly, the crowd. I get that you might stereotype and dislike us as the 'tu jaanta nai mera baap kaun hai' again & again at your stand-up comedy routines but really, that makes your cities' crowd no better. No, really. Pyjamas and hawai chappals are no retort for OTT. I understand that maybe we shouldn't wear pearls to Barista but you shouldn't be at parties in boxers. I've seen this and its really not pretty. You guys are the anti-Delhi. Mumbai is a city of lonesome hipsters cradling laptops at tiny cafes feeling very French, but its so not working out, you guys. Meanwhile, Delhi proudly stays true to its rustic Jat/Bhangra soul. And its okay if that's not your type.

Thirdly, Delhi Girls v Bombay Girls: Bombay Girls isn't a thing. Bombay has girls, but there is no concept of 'Bombay Girls'. There's the Mumbai Sea-face. That's a concept. Vada Pao is a concept. Bombay Girls isn't.

Also, food. I could start but then this blogpost would go in to whole another area so lets just not bring up Delhi's gourmet brilliance.

The spirit of Delhi doesn't need to be spoken about because we just take it for granted that Delhiites are sufficiently spirited and spirited, through thick and thin. Whenever I land back home, I get out of the aircraft and my heart does a little "Fuck Yeah. This is awesome" routine.

If you grew up in Delhi, you probably know that what dialogue won't solve, a backhand slap will. It may not be pretty, but its true. Its a legitimate solution and it works. If you grew up in Delhi, you're probably not into theatre but know that we have the best theatre scene in the country. If you grew up in Delhi, you probably know how to rock that backless dress in zero degrees on New Years Eve. If you grew up in Delhi, you're probably quite a freaking rockstar.

When I moved to the hostel, people would tell me "You're from Delhi aren't you? And I'd say "Yes! but how do you know?" One guy said, "Its everything. Its the way you talk. The way you dress. The way you walk."

Yes, we give precedence to our hearts over our heads but then the first 3 letters in Dilli literally translate to heart. You can't blame us.