Friday 30 December 2011

12 things to do in 2012

Hello there, once again. Seasons greetings & Happy New Year. I don't do New Year Resolutions because new year resolution makers obviously have flaws. I am, as you all know, perfect. LOLJK.
But no kidding, I have no vices to give up. I don't smoke or drink or eat a gallon of cheesecake a month. However I do have some things I want to do. So I'll make a list. Its a simple list, so you might be bored or you could pick a hobby or two for yourself, for the new year. So, here goes (priority wise):

1. Get a job.

2. Learn to read & write in Gurmukhi.

3. Learn Bellydancing.

4. Get a library membership.

5. Learn to make round rotis.

6. Get married*

7. Travel to New York/ Barcelona

8. Get to MaxMueller & brush up on that rusty Deutsch lesson. Ich habe keine zeit aber ich lerne die sprachen fur sieben jahre. And I couldn't complete that sentence in German, so I'm going to try to do that

9. I draw so I'm going to try & illustrate for each one of my blog posts and actually scan it and put it up

10. Learn to ride a motorcycle

11. Learn to trust

12. Defeat my mom at scrabble

12. Start collecting Tintin comics (*Because no. 6 was a joke)

So there it is. I hope to God that I can do all of this. Its not the most adventurous list of the year but I don't understand the kind of wishes that sound like " I want to elope with an Italian man and a jar of sunshine to the South of France". Really? This isn't a wish list anyway. Its more of a To-Do. So fingers crossed. Have a great new years eve. Don't drink & drive. Kick ass. Love.