Saturday 10 November 2012

For my Grandfather

This is a short note for my recently departed Grandfather, because I'm really bad with emotional & dramatic dedications. Rightly so, because you weren't like that either and you wouldn't really approve of it. All your life you were fairly reserved & quiet, you liked being self-sufficient and independent and doing everything for yourself , but thank you for all the small ways in which you were far more approachable to all of us and thank you for letting us reach out to you so strongly, in your last days. All the tiny miracles that I can't speak about, the little ways in which you let us know how much you really loved us & the power you still hold over this house, the circumstances and its people, you know all that better than me.

Mom always says I have your quiet authoritative & commanding streak; the way in which I can dismiss everyone up with a straight "no." if I believe something is incorrect. Thank you so that I don't have to struggle to get my way in life. That is probably the most valuable inheritance ever.

Thank you for our iron & steel blood.

Thank you for setting a conscientious and honest example of living.

Thank you for this home & this family.

Thank you for making sure that the entire future generations won your genes for our height over Dadi's.

Thank you for raising your daughters like men & your sons like warriors.

Thank you on behalf of all the Sr. & Jr. Kapoors and everyone else who's lives you changed in your calm & self-assured way. I'd talk about your contributions to this world, but you never liked to speak about all that, so I'll respect your love for privacy. Thank you most of all, for the time I got to spend with you.

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