Monday 28 November 2011

Taking a hit

I write this post with very many questions on my mind. The first one being: Why does a property like the Taj Banjara, Hyderabad have an open sewer in front of the gates? Also, why don't men commit? Who is Banksy? Why do women want to tag men as their property? How does my straight friend know what a leopard print is? Unfortunately, this blogpost isn't about any of these questions.

This post is an exaggerated extension of my last post: 2011. This post is about 2012, but not my year 2012. General human reactions to the year 2012. Yes, the Mayan prediction about the end of the world and all that jazz. Now this may or not may be true & If it is true, please make sure, dear Mayan bros that its not painful. Quick & easy, like getting sucked into a black hole or some such.

While we can only wait & watch if the cataclysmic, apocalyptic event does occur, I see plenty of reactions like "surely the world is coming to an end" or "Dooms day is near". While I do agree, that the man above has given us plenty reasons to be scared, I'm not sure that its enough to go around screeching "The world is ending". Do not steal the homeless vagabond's thunder like this, people.

This makes me think of why our generation starts to panic every time there's an earthquake or a recession or the last day of Zara sale. Get a grip, "Gen-Y", we will be fine. The human race has a disgustingly high affinity to survival. The problem isn't that we're fragile or easily extinguishable, its just that we haven't known real anguish or disturbance. Cliched, as it sounds, we really are just a Wii-hooked, smartphone tapping bunch of faint-hearted pigeons. We haven't seen wars, famines, hyperinflation or massacres. Worst of all, we take everything for granted. I hope that we don't have to see such times, but the fact remains that we have no understanding of real difficulty. Poor wi-fi connection is enough to make us go over the edge. That is why, every little shake & bump is a premonition of the End. Learn to take a punch. Let your kids get bruised. Get into a fight. Befriend a Punjabi. Do it right.

I'm sitting here on my friend's bed, already thinking of following this up with a bucket list, just incase it will all really fall down. It might. I'm just saying, learn to take it like a man. That statement also proves to me what I've suspected for far too long. I might be a male chauvinistic pig. Who says a woman can only be a feminist right?

Anyway, my friend very cutely demanded I write about her, and there's nothing more exciting than doing that. Thank you lovely, for letting me steal your LAN wire. and your bed. Thank you for telling me when I'm being a bitch and also for not letting it seem like the end of the world. Thank you for having faith in me, when I've quite literally had none in myself. Yes, I'm referring to last night. I'm going to see it through 2062 with you. My babies will terrorize the pants off yours.


  1. Banksy, is God.

    2012, if its the end of the world, so much less time to do everything that Ive planned for myself.

    2012, if isnt the end of the world, phew. I can go back to being the master of procrastination.

    Never seen a female MCP.

    And whats a Leopard print?

    P.S.: Nice blog.

  2. Haha. Thank you. Statement 1 is so true. It all makes sense now. 2012 isn't the end. We can go back to being morons. Leopard prints aren't the elongated stripes like a tiger. They're small circular spots. :D Now you know. Go freak out your female friends!
